Economy, Politics

Trudeau’s new tax hurts doctors, home builders, farmers and small business owners

Canada has had the worst economic growth in the G7 (per capita) since Trudeau took office.

In fact, Canada’s economy has shrunk by 2% since 2019 while the American economy has grown by 8%.

Now the costly Liberal-NDP coalition are imposing a new capital gains tax during a time when Canada’s economy is shrinking.

Specifically, the new capital gains inclusion rate will increase from one-half to two-thirds for capital gains of over $250,000 per year for individuals and corporations. Also, it’s new annual threshold of $250,000 will apply to individuals, and all capital gains for corporations and most trusts.

In essence, Trudeau’s new taxes will:

  • Tax away doctors when Canada has a doctor shortage.
  • Impose higher taxes on home builders when we have a housing shortage.
  • Tax farmers and their families when Canada has a food cost crisis.
  • Tax small businesses when the economy is shrinking.

Conservatives know we can’t tax our way into prosperity. I’m the only candidate who can defeat incumbent Liberal MP Taleeb Noormohamed. To do this I must first win the Conservative Party’s nomination in Vancouver Granville. But, I can’t do this without your help.

Please support my common sense approach by taking out a Conservative Party membership today. Voting in Vancouver Granville’s upcoming candidate nomination election is limited to those with up-to-date memberships.

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Together, we can defeat the Liberal-NDP costly coalition and make life more affordable for Canadians.

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